Web3 Grants – Empowering Innovation and Development

web3 grant

Key Takeaways:

  • Web3 Grants can provide financial support and resources to projects that contribute to the development of Web 3.0 technology stack.
  • There are various types of Web3 Grants programs, offering different grant ranges and ecosystem support to encourage innovation and development.
  • Web3 Grants prioritize code quality and technical details to ensure the development of high-quality projects that offer public goods.

web3 grant

Web3 Grants is a dynamic funding initiative that provides support for the development of Web 3.0 technologies. In this section, we will explore the diverse aspects of Web3 Grants, including an overview of the criminal activities that the program aims to address, the importance of the Web 3.0 technology stack, specific token and right grants offered, insights into token sales and potential money laundering concerns, and the referral program in conjunction with the Web3 Foundation Grants Program. Get ready to dive into the exciting world of Web3 Grants and its impact on the future of the internet.

Overview of Criminal Activities

It’s important to consider the “Overview of Criminal Activities” when discussing Web3 Grants. This phrase highlights the need for caution to stop any unlawful actions that may be related to the Web3 system.

The technology advances have caused criminals to find new ways to take advantage. It’s important to recognize and reduce these risks.

Organizations are able to use token grants and other rights to combat money laundering and misuse of funds.

Both the referral program and the Web3 Foundation Grants program consider criminal activities when granting funds. They want to support projects that will secure the system.

When examining Web3 Grants programs, there is a focus on discouraging criminals and encouraging ethical behavior. Generous grants and support are offered to achieve this goal.

The Substratum Builders Program also focuses on code quality to prevent criminal activity. The program gives financial aid to projects that meet their standards.

Be prepared to learn about the dark side of web development, as we explore the criminal activities and money laundering schemes in the Web3 Grants program!

Importance of Web 3.0 Technology Stack

Web 3.0 technology stack has immense value in the digital world. It offers new possibilities and features such as:

  • Enhanced Security: Advanced security measures keep sensitive info safe from unauthorized access or tampering. Blockchain tech also provides protection.
  • Decentralization: This tech eliminates the need for intermediaries, promoting data ownership & censorship resistance.
  • Improved User Experience: Connectivity across different platforms is seamless. Communication and interoperability are enhanced.

The positive impact of Web 3.0 goes beyond tech; it affects security, decentralization, and user experience. An e-commerce platform experienced a drop in fraudulent activities when they implemented Web 3.0 security features.

So let’s explore the importance of Web 3.0 technology stack and its role in preventing criminal activities. Step into Web3 Grants and see what this ride has to offer!

Specific Token and Right Grant

web3 grants

Photo Courtesy of Grants.web3.foundation

Web3 grants offer financial support for projects with potential in the Web 3.0 tech stack. They are designed to promote innovative solutions and explore decentralized networks. These grants come with specific tokens and rights, and must pass a strict review process.

The Web3 Foundation’s Grants Program sets various criteria for transparency, accountability, and alignment with web3 ecosystem goals. There is also the Substrate Builders Program, which provides funding for Substrate-based blockchain projects. Plus, crypto VCs are potential partners for alternative funding sources.

Token Sale and Money Laundering

Token sales and money laundering intersect in Web3 grants, making it essential to address. They involve digital tokens or crypto being sold for funds, which can be misused for money laundering.

Counteracting this risk requires mechanisms and frameworks that prioritize transparency and compliance with AML regulations. KYC procedures and due diligence on token sale participants can help mitigate money laundering attempts.

Blockchain tech and smart contracts integrated into token sale processes provide traceability and auditability. Real-time transactions can be monitored, making it easier to spot suspicious money laundering.

Regulatory bodies and Web3 grants need to collaborate, so token sales comply with financial transparency and accountability requirements. This will promote responsible crypto practices, maintaining integrity and trust.

To conclude, Web3 grants must take proactive measures to mitigate money laundering risks in token sales. KYC, blockchain, and collaboration with regulators can create an ecosystem that’s transparent and prevents money laundering.

Referral Program and Web3 Foundation Grants Program

web3 grant

Referral programs and Web 3 Foundation Grants Program are two significant parts driving Web 3.0 technology forward. They offer individuals and organizations the chance to join the ecosystem and contribute to its development.

The Referral Program incentivizes people to bring in new members to the Web3 community, expanding its reach and fostering collaboration. Whereas, the Web3 Foundation Grants Program provides financial support to developers, entrepreneurs, and researchers working on projects that are in line with the Web 3.0 objectives.

By providing grants and incentives, the Web3 Foundation encourages participation, encourages innovation, and drives the development of advanced technologies within the blockchain ecosystem.

These programs also offer other advantages. The grants provided by the Web3 Foundation range from small amounts to over $500K, for different project needs. Some grants mainly focus on maintenance activities within the system, ensuring the sustainability of projects.

Additionally, the programs seek to back projects that are compatible with multiple blockchain networks, allowing interoperability across different platforms. They emphasize supporting projects that prioritize code quality, making sure reliability and security within the Web 3.0 ecosystem.

These plans have caused a strong network of active web3 grants providing inventive solutions in different areas such as decentralized finance (DeFi), decentralized applications (dApps), scalability solutions, privacy-enhancing technologies, and more.

In addition, the Web3 Foundation shows its commitment to supporting startups through taking part in startup programs and accelerators. By joining forces with industry leaders and providing mentorship opportunities, they enable startups to refine their ideas and get the necessary resources for success.

Types of Web3 Grants Programs

Web3 grants programs offer a range of funding opportunities and ecosystem support to fuel the growth of innovative projects. From grants tailored to specific grant ranges and ecosystem support programs, to GitHub profiles and over $500K grants, these programs provide essential resources to push forward the development of Web3 technologies.

Additionally, initiatives such as code of conduct and non-dilutive investments play a crucial role in establishing ethical practices and avoiding potential pitfalls. Join us as we explore the diverse landscape of Web3 grants programs and the opportunities they present.

Grant Range and Ecosystem Support Programs

These Grant Range and Ecosystem Support Programs are crucial for nurturing the Web3 ecosystem. They provide monetary support and facilitate collaboration between developers, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders.

This ensures projects get financial backing and benefit from a supportive environment. It encourages growth and innovation.

The grant range can vary greatly. From grants under $30K for code quality improvement, to over $500K for high-profile projects with significant ecosystem support.

The allocation of grants is determined by factors such as project viability, alignment with Web3 Foundation’s goals, technical details, maintenance plans, and code quality. These initiatives include accelerators, partnerships, and startup programs.

Github Profiles and Over $500K Grants

Logo Courtesy of Github.com

Github profiles and grants over $500K? They go hand in hand! If you’re looking for a grant of this size, then you need to be aware of the importance of your Github profile. Here are five key points to consider:

  • Github profiles give devs a platform to show off their work and contributions to Web3.
  • A good Github profile boosts credibility, making it more likely for devs to get larger grants.
  • Open source contributions on Github increase your chances of getting grants over $500K.
  • The grants committee checks your past projects on Github when evaluating applications for large grants.
  • Github profiles help developers highlight their skills, collaboration capabilities, and commitment to Web3.

Plus, Github profiles offer transparency about an applicant’s code quality, activity level, and dedication to the Web3 ecosystem. Devs with impressive records on Github have a better shot at substantial funding! Showcase your code and contributions to improve your chances.

In the dev world, having a code of conduct can help guide behavior when things go wrong.

Something Went Wrong and Code Of Conduct

In the context of “Something Went Wrong and Code Of Conduct”, this heading relates to potential problems that may occur in Web3 grant programs. It is essential to have a code of conduct in order to guarantee fair and ethical practices among group members.

Grant programs may experience unforeseen issues like technical faults, funding delays, or disputes between participants. To combat these problems, it is important to have a code of conduct that states the principles and rules for everybody.

The code of conduct should encourage openness, honesty, and responsibility in all parts of the grant programs. By adhering to the code of conduct, recipients and contributors can tackle any issues that come up and work collaboratively.

It is important to bear in mind that these factors must be acknowledged for a successful execution. Just like an investor waiting for non-dilutive returns, it is crucial to wait patiently for grants.

Please Wait and Non Dilutive Investments

Patience is a must for those seeking non-dilutive investments in Web3 projects. The Web3 Grants program offers financial support, but the review process can take time. These investments are advantageous as no equity or ownership is given up. The funds provided act like funding, yet maintain the existing ownership structure.

This approach empowers individuals and communities, while still allowing the team to receive funding. It’s important to note that these investments may not be available for all initiatives, or at all times. Availability and terms depend on the grant program chosen, project stage, and evaluation criteria.

For instance, a team working on a cutting-edge Web3 project applies for a grant. After waiting for the review process, they receive confirmation of a non-dilutive investment. This boosts resources and confidence to continue their work, without sacrificing ownership or control.

In conclusion, be patient and non-dilutive investments are key considerations for Web3 project investors. The Web3 Grants program provides opportunities, and can lead to valuable financial backing for innovative initiatives within the Web3 ecosystem.

Supported Ecosystem and $100K $500K Grants

Logo Courtesy of Apache.org

With Web3 Grants, the supported ecosystem thrives as $100K to $500K grants fuel growth and innovation. From the significance of Apache 2.0 and expressions of gratitude to the reach and grant amount factors, illicit trade concerns, and the value of chain agnostic and best support approaches, this section dives into the realm of Web3 Grants.

Thank You and Apache 2.0

The Web3 Grants team wants to thank all of the amazing recipients! The Apache 2.0 license is used to manage the funds. This open-source license allows people to freely modify and distribute software, while protecting creator rights. Aligning with the Apache 2.0 license ensures transparency in the Web3 ecosystem.

Recipients are thanked with the phrase “Thank You” to show appreciation for their efforts. Grants give financial support to projects in the web3 tech stack, helping them grow and develop. Recipients are allowed to use, modify and distribute their work with conditions from the Apache 2.0 license.

“Thank You” and the Apache 2.0 license foster collaboration and success in the Web3 community. This license creates an environment where diverse ideas can be explored while still following legal boundaries. This balance between freedom and legal frameworks lets grant recipients and users engage responsibly.

Apply for a grant and see what it could do for you!

Reach Out and Grant Amount

Reaching Out and Deciding on a Grant Amount

The Web3 Grants Program is focused on aiding projects that promote the Web 3.0 world. When considering getting help and ascertaining the grant amount, there are several factors to think about.

  1. Requirements: It is vital for project teams to reach out and provide important information about their project plan. This includes stating their goals, aims, and how the project fits in with the Web3 Foundation’s mission of advancing decentralized technologies.
  2. Evaluation: The Web3 Grants Program examines diverse elements when calculating the grant amount. For example, assessing the project’s potential effect on the Web 3.0 system, its technical feasibility, team proficiency, and agreement with main priorities.
  3. Grant Range: The program offers grants from $100,000 to $500,000 based on the extent and intricacy of the proposed project. This assortment enables flexibility in accommodating projects at diverse stages of development or those necessitating different levels of financial help.
  4. Tailored Support: The Web3 Grants Program knows that each project is unique and might need certain types of aid apart from just financial help. Thus, they offer personalized guidance and mentorship chances to assist project teams succeed in their development voyage.

Overall, if you have a convincing project proposal that agrees with Web 3.0 principles, it is essential to contact the Web3 Grants Program soon on in your development cycle. Through this involvement, you can decide on an appropriate grant amount based on your project’s potential effect and gain tailored support that goes beyond just financial assistance.

Illicit Trade and Maintenance Grants

Illicit Trade and Maintenance Grants are designed to give financial resources and support to projects that combat illicit trade in digital assets. They promote creating solutions to secure decentralized systems, preventing fraud.

These grants also emphasize the importance of project maintenance, like updates, bug fixes, performance optimization, and system stability.

Not only do they provide funding, but also technical guidance and mentorship from experienced professionals in Web3. This gives grant recipients access to expert help for developing their projects and measures to prevent illicit trade.

Thanks to these grants, many projects emerged to fight illegal trading and prioritize maintenance for sustainable growth. These initiatives make digital environments safer, and build trust in decentralized tech.

In conclusion, Illicit Trade and Maintenance Grants are vital in promoting ethics in Web3. By supplying financial resources, technical guidance, and mentorship, they empower people and teams to make contributions to a trustworthy decentralized future.

Chain Agnostic and Best Support – no matter the blockchain platform, these grants don’t discriminate! They always give great assistance.

Chain Agnostic and Best Support

The Web3 Grants program recognizes the power of chain agnosticism. They understand that different blockchains provide distinct features and capabilities. They offer extensive support for developers, no matter their chosen blockchain. This includes technical aid, funding, networking events, and mentoring programs.

Chain agnosticism encourages diversity and ingenuity for the Web3 ecosystem. Developers are enabled to research diverse blockchains and design projects that suit their precise wants and objectives. The program encourages collaboration between different blockchains by supporting projects that can interact with multiple chains. This increases scalability, efficiency, and better user experiences for decentralized applications.

The Grants program is key in promoting Web3 technology. By integrating chain agnostic principles and offering effective support, they provide equitable chances for developers of all blockchains. They also promote cooperation between different blockchains, advancing Web3 technology for the advantage of all stakeholders.

It’s worth noting: Web3 Grants have fruitfully backed up several projects across multiple blockchains, such as Ethereum, Polkadot, and more.

Substrate Builders Program and Financial Support

The Substrate Builders Program and Financial Support section takes a closer look at the avenues available for developers to receive funding and support through the Web3 Grants initiative. We’ll explore how developers can suggest their projects, the Grants Committee’s role in the selection process, alternative funding sources, review timeframes, the significance of crypto VCs and proven experience, as well as the opportunities presented by ConsenSys Grants and their project ideas.

Suggest A Project and Grants Committee

Suggest A Project and the Grants Committee are key in promoting innovation within the Web3 realm. Folks or orgs can present their projects to the committee who will assess and pick the ones that receive funding. This grants an opportunity for creative initiatives and ideas to be supported and developed inside the Web3 system.

  • Anybody in the community with a special concept or answer that fits with the goals of Web3 Grants can propose a project.
  • The Grants Committee is made up of proficient people who examine project proposals and make well-informed decisions on which projects should get funds.
  • In judging the projects, the committee examines aspects such as the feasibility, effect and agreement with Web3 values.
  • This drive encourages team effort and involvement from individuals or organizations who want to see innovation within the Web3 space.
  • Projects selected by the Grants Committee will have financial backing to help them accomplish their ideas.
  • By bringing the community into suggesting projects, Web3 Grants ensures a range of ideas are taken into account, forming an ambiance of creativity and exploration inside the ecosystem.

Alternative Funding Sources and Review Time

Photo Courtesy of Consensys

Alternative sources of funding for Web3 grants exist to support projects in the Web3 ecosystem. These sources provide financial backing and can speed up the review process for grant applications. Developers and innovators can find extra resources and a quicker turnaround time for their proposals by searching beyond traditional funding methods.

An overview of different funding sources and their associated review times is given below:

1. Crypto VCs – Investors with experience in cryptocurrency projects. – Quicker review due to established expertise.
2. Consensys Grants – Grant program focused on Web3 projects. – Fast review as they are dedicated to supporting this ecosystem.
3. Other alternative funding sources – Partnerships, private investors or venture capital firms specialized in Blockchain technology. – Review times vary from source to source but can offer extra financial support.

Apart from these alternative funding sources, developers and teams seeking Web3 grants should consider the unique benefits each source brings. Partnering with partners or organizations that match their project’s goals could give not only financial backing but also useful expertise or network connections.

As a pro tip, it is advisable to do thorough research on each potential funding source before applying for a grant. Find out their focus areas, requirements, and previous projects they have supported. This will help make the application process faster and raise the chances of getting the desired funds efficiently.

Crypto Vcs and Proven Experience

Crypto venture capitalists (VCs) are an essential part of the web3 ecosystem. They offer financial help, plus experience and knowledge, to projects they invest in. These VCs focus on funding and supporting startups that use blockchain tech. They understand the industry and have access to valuable networks. They can offer guidance, mentorship, and strategic partnerships.

Their investments show their knowledge of the crypto space. This helps them make informed investment decisions. Crypto VCs can help startups manage regulations, find market gaps, and create business models.

An advantage of working with crypto VCs is they can provide alternative funding sources, which may be necessary because of the rapid changes in the web3 ecosystem.

In conclusion, crypto VCs bring more than money to a project. Their expertise and connections can improve a startup’s chances of success. They are a valuable partner for anyone wanting to make a difference in the web3 world.

Consensys Grants and Project Ideas

Consensys Grants are committed to promoting the progress of Web3 by investing in groundbreaking ideas. They provide financial support to projects exploring innovative use cases of Web3 technologies. Along with this, they also offer invaluable guidance and mentorship to help develop these projects into tangible solutions.

By investing in these promising initiatives, Consensys is helping build a decentralized and inclusive future. Projects are evaluated based on their technical feasibility, scalability, sustainability, and alignment with Consensys’ vision for Web3. Successful grantees become part of Consensys’ network of collaborators and have access to additional resources and opportunities for growth.

Code Quality and Under $30K Grants

Improving code quality and offering grants under $30K are two key aspects we’ll be diving into. We’ll explore technical details and loading all results, as well as the importance of supporting public goods in the context of Web3 grants. With a focus on enhancing code quality and promoting accessibility, these grants aim to drive innovation and further the development of the decentralized web.

Technical Details and Loading All Results

Technical details and loading all results are essential. This includes info on technical needs, processes, and making sure results load properly. To get a better understanding, here’s a table of related info:

Technical Details and Loading All Results
Specific Token and Right Grant Allocating tokens
Token Sale and Money Laundering Preventing illegal activities
Referral Program and Web3 Foundation Grants Program Encouraging participants and supporting projects

This table shows the various elements related to technical details and loading all results. It highlights the importance of token allocation while monitoring risks from token sales like money laundering. It also mentions referral programs and the support of the Web3 Foundation Grants Program.

When concerning these aspects, more than just token allocation and preventing illicit activities is needed. There should be extensive ecosystem support and transparency in terms of grant programs. Additionally, code quality, experience, and VCs can be taken into account when determining grant amounts.

In conclusion, loading all results requires careful attention. It combines token allocations, preventing money laundering, utilizing referral programs, and following best practices for code quality. Plus, you get the satisfaction of contributing to the Web3 universe with a grant!

Public Goods

Public goods in the Web 3.0 space, such as blockchain protocols like Ethereum and Polkadot, are key in fostering innovation. They create secure, transparent platforms for a range of applications. By funding projects that work on improving these protocols, Web3 grants help make trustful, accessible platforms available to the blockchain community.

Web3 grants also invest in dApps that have a positive social impact, such as fighting poverty, providing education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability. These grants allow developers to create solutions that are free to use by different communities.

Supporting public goods is more than just money. Web3 grants also promote collaboration, knowledge sharing, and open governance. Through partnerships, these grants facilitate cooperation and collective efforts towards a more inclusive and sustainable digital future.

Examples of Active Web3 Grants

Web3 Grants are a funding initiative that promotes projects related to emerging web technologies. These grants are given to teams and individuals who offer inventive solutions using decentralization, blockchain, and other tech. The goal is to grow the Web3 ecosystem and support developers and entrepreneurs.

A table can be used to show the various projects that received Web3 Grants. It’ll display active grants, recipients, project descriptions, and funding amounts. By presenting the info this way, readers can understand the reach of the grants.

In addition to the grants above, Web3 Grants support other special initiatives. These include projects for privacy, decentralized finance, and interoperability. All of these show the commitment of the Web3 community to explore new frontiers in the decentralized web space.

Web3 Grants have a key role in encouraging the use and adoption of Web3 technologies. They give money and resources to people and teams, letting them develop innovative solutions that could revolutionize industries. The active Web3 Grants demonstrate the variety of projects and initiatives being funded, and how diverse Web3 can be.

Web3 Startup Programs and Accelerators

Web3 startup programs and accelerators are key for nurturing and supporting new startups in the Web3 space. These programs give resources, mentorship, and funding to help startups build and grow. One great initiative is the “Web3 Grants” program. This lets people and projects working on Web3 solutions apply for grants and get money for their development. The main goal is to promote innovation and decentralized technology. Web3 Grants shows how the industry helps startups within the Web3 ecosystem.

Web3 startup programs and accelerators do more than funding. They give a range of resources and support services to help startups succeed. This includes access to mentors, product development and market strategy guidance, and chances to meet investors and partners. By joining these programs, startups can become bigger and have a better chance of winning in the competitive Web3 landscape.

These programs are open to all sorts of projects and ideas, not just certain sectors or technologies. This means different startups, from decentralized finance to blockchain gaming, can benefit and contribute to the growth of the Web3 ecosystem. These initiatives foster collaboration, innovation, and tech development.

One example of the impact of these programs is XYZ Finance, a decentralized finance project. XYZ Finance got funding through a Web3 startup program. This helped them develop their platform and gain a lot of users. The Web3 startup program also linked them with industry players, giving them insights and partners. XYZ Finance shows how Web3 startup programs and accelerators benefit projects in the space.

Partnerships and Feedback

Web3 Grants is a program that provides financial aid and resources to projects and individuals in the Web3 space. Its mission is to promote innovation and growth in the decentralized web. Partnerships are key for success, as they enable collaboration and knowledge-sharing among different stakeholders.

So by partnering with other orgs and individuals, Web3 Grants can use their expertise and resources to back innovative projects. Feedback is essential too, as it helps the program stay in line with the needs of the Web3 community.

  • Partnerships: Working with organizations in the Web3 space, Web3 Grants supports projects that align with their mission. These partnerships give financial, technical and strategic support to help projects reach their full potential.
  • Collaboration: Web3 Grants encourages collaboration between funded projects, building a sense of community and knowledge-sharing. This helps develop innovative solutions and progresses the decentralized web.
  • Feedback: Feedback from the Web3 community is actively sought out to make sure the initiatives meet expectations. This feedback-driven approach allows for improvement and iteration of offerings.
  • Projects Supported: Web3 Grants funds a broad range of projects, from infrastructure development to decentralized apps and tools. This diversity nurtures and empowers different aspects of the Web3 ecosystem.
  • Knowledge Exchange: Partnerships created through Web3 Grants let parties exchange knowledge and expertise. This accelerates the development of the decentralized web and facilitates the creation of innovative solutions.
  • Sustainability: Web3 Grants is focused on the long-term sustainability of the projects it supports. Through partnerships and feedback, they aim to give the projects the resources and support to thrive in the Web3 ecosystem.

Furthermore, Web3 Grants prioritizes projects that promote equality and accessibility. This creates an inclusive and accessible decentralized web. Through partnerships and feedback, Web3 Grants works to achieve these goals and foster the growth of the Web3 ecosystem.


Web3 Grants: a valuable boon! They help individuals and organizations secure funding for Web3-related projects. Web3 is becoming increasingly popular and these grants provide a way to fuel innovation and progress in this domain.

These grants are a key factor in fostering collaboration and development within the Web3 ecosystem. They offer financial aid to talented individuals and teams, enabling the creation of cutting-edge applications and infrastructure. Also, the grants act as a stimulant for innovation, motivating developers to take risks and explore novel paths in the Web3 world.

A special highlight of Web3 Grants is their focus on community participation and decentralized governance. The grant programs involve the community in decision-making, giving them a say in which projects get funding. This democratic approach ensures that the grants go to projects with the capability to make a considerable effect on the Web3 landscape. It also champions transparency and accountability among the community.

To summarize, Web3 Grants are a beneficial resource for those trying to progress in the Web3 space. They deliver financial support and fuel collaboration, allowing the production of inventive projects that can shape the decentralized web of the future. The emphasis on community engagement and decentralized governance guarantees that the grants are assigned to projects that align with the goals and necessities of the Web3 community. Through Web3 Grants, the Web3 society continues to expand the limits of what is possible in the decentralized realm.

Some Facts About Web3 Grants:

  • ✅ Web3 Grants programs provide financial assistance and ecosystem support to individuals developing projects, tools, infrastructure, research, and other public goods in the Web3 space. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ The Web3 Foundation offers a grants program focused on funding software development and research efforts related to Polkadot and Kusama. (Source: Web3 Foundation)
  • ✅ Grants are awarded to strong technical projects that add value to the Web3 ecosystem, with preference given to projects with well-researched or tested concepts, proven experience with relevant technologies, and rich technical details. (Source: Web3 Foundation)
  • ✅ Projects supported by Web3 Grants must be open-sourced and not rely on closed-source software, and grant recipients are required to contribute to open-source projects or port their work to Substrate. (Source: Web3 Foundation)
  • ✅ Web3 Grants programs provide different grant levels based on the stage of the project and offer maintenance grants for maintaining open-source projects. (Source: Web3 Foundation)

FAQs about Web3 Grants

What grant ranges are available in the Web3 Grants program?

Web3 Grants program offers different grant levels based on the stage of the project. The available grant ranges include under $30K, $30K – $100K, $100K – $500K, and over $500K.

What are the eligibility criteria for Web3 Grants?

Anyone can apply for a Web3 Grant, but the focus is on strong technical projects that add value to the ecosystem. Projects with well-researched or tested concepts, commitment to maintenance, proven experience with relevant technologies, and rich technical details have better chances of acceptance. Grants are not awarded for projects that have had successful token sales or actively encourage illegal activities.

How can I apply for a Web3 Grant?

The application process for a Web3 Grant involves creating a copy of the application template, filling it out, and submitting it as a pull request. The committee reviews the application, provides feedback, and approves it based on the required number of approvals. Milestones are delivered and payments are made accordingly.

Can existing work be eligible for a Web3 Grant?

Yes, existing work can be ported to Substrate or contributed to an open-source project to be eligible for a Web3 Grant.

What is the process for maintenance grants in the Web3 Grants program?

Similar to regular grants, maintenance grants in the Web3 Grants program require specifying the project, features, bugs, and budget per month. Monthly reports on work done and associated costs are required for payment.

Are there any restrictions on the code produced with a Web3 Grant?

Yes, the code produced as part of a Web3 Grant must be open-sourced and not rely on closed-source software.

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